Students and The "Smart Drug" Epidemic

College students have found a new way to analyze that is much more effective than the library. However, it is also illegitimate and dangerous, and is an issue that has raised much concern in recent years. Using and/or promoting prescription medications with no prescribed is a felony, and many school students fall short to realize that. Many of the using students do not want to give up their super-powered put sessions for the benefit of the law. Smart drugs, study drugs, or what scientists call 'cognitive enhancers' like Adderall or Ritalin are being obtained by college or university students with no medical requirement for them; they are taken simply as a study aid.

Quality users who have been brave enough to discuss the epidemic say that the drugs help them focus, sit still, and remain motivated about researching and doing homework. Adderall ir is the most popular drug on university campuses nationwide, known simply as 'Addy' by the students. It gives them more brainpower and allows Smart Drugs them to study for long intervals of time without getting tired or bored. Many people might feel that if it helps them do better in school, that they might have an attention problem and actually need the drugs prescribed. However, the majority of them are just normal young adults who don't want to study or who does rather be out having a good time.

When it comes time to hit the books, these kids put a pill, which they are yet to bought from someone on campus or gotten an against the law prescription, and study until they know everything that they need to learn. Kids prefer these pills to caffeine and energy drinks, because there is no crash and they don't feel jittery or anxious like they would from drinking coffee or soda pop to wake themselves up. These pills are available all over campuses across the country, and generally cost about $5 a pill, no matter of which one you want. If it's exam week, the costs can go as high as $25 a pill because of supply and demand.

And who are the biggest suppliers to schools? Kids with legitimate INCLUDE or ADHD conditions or diagnoses that sell their medication to other students to make a quick buck. One student that was interviewed by Countrywide Public Radio (NPR) has been on Adderall since high school, but does not like to take it unless they have to. His / her monthly 60 pills that are supposed to be used twice a day are giving his friends a little boost in their studies. He says that he personally doesn't prefer to take them, and doesn't see a point in actually selling them, so he just gives them away in most cases.

Nevertheless , these drugs can be habit forming, and have serious part effects. They are not great study aids at all, and can make people feel like could possibly be less than good even with good grades because could possibly be not doing the work on their own. One girl spoken of how she lost her very own coping skills to Adderall, so she give up deploying it and has done just fine studying and doing her work with her own. This 'study drug' habit is a well known epidemic plaguing schools nationwide, and however is one which will probably be hard to stop.
